Media professionals from Wasit visit projects of the al-Abbas’s (p) Holy Shrine

Photo by AlKafeel Global Network  

AlKafeel Global Network  

June 5, 2022

The Media Department of the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine received a delegation that included a number of Wasit governorate media professionals, journalists and bloggers, within the framework of its communication programs with community groups.

A special program was prepared for this delegation, which included conducting field tours of a number of projects of the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine, during which the delegation was briefed on the most important aspects of these projects, listening to an explanation of the working mechanisms and modern techniques used in their work, the goals, objectives and results of each project, and all their questions and inquiries related to these projects were answered.

At the end of this visit, the member of the delegation; Mr. Abdullah al-‘Atefi, expressed his thanks for this opportunity to look closely at these projects, and said, “in fact, the projects of the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine have an increasing pace of work day after day and the increase in quantity and quality, which pleases the mind and delights the visitor and leaves a positive impression, and every time we see them, we wish to find similar projects in other provinces in the country”.

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He added that “the establishment of these distinctive and qualitative projects that preceded their counterparts, did not affect the services provided to the visitor,” and concluded “We hope that this kind of visit is repeated so we can learn more about the most important projects, and about the products and outputs of the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine”.

This article was originally published in AlKafeel Global Network.